Hi there! We're so glad you're here. Fundraising is one of our main income sources for the Band Boosters. Without our fundraising efforts, we would be unable to provide a high-quality experience for Raider Band. For the 2022-2023 school year, we plan to raise $70,000 via multiple fundraising avenues. This includes Sponsorships, Boost Blitz, Evergreen sale, Mulch Sale, Raffle and other opportunities.
We welcome all volunteers to help us with our Fundraising Programs. Some programs happen all year long (Sponsorships) and others are confined to a few weeks (Mulch Sale). Getting involved in one of these programs is a great way to introduce yourself to the Booster organization.
If you'd like to assist with any of these programs or have other fundraising ideas, please contact our Fundraising Chair at fundraising@crhsraiderband.org
2024 - 2025 Fundraising Committee
Jeff Otchis, Fundraising Chair (Email)
All year | Sponsorships | Lisa Coleman |
All year | Spirit Wear | Maria Wehmeyer |
All year | Spirit Nights | Nina Otchis |
Aug-Sept | Boost Blitz Crowd Funding | Christine Jakeman |
Oct-Nov | Sherwood Forest Farms Wreaths | -- |
Spring | Online Auction | -- |
Spring | Mulch Sale | Jonathan DeMent |